Publisher :
Bretagne Développement Innovation
1c-1d avenue de Belle Fontaine
35510 Cesson-Sévigné
tel : 02 99 84 53 00
Hosting :
22 Rue de l’Erbonière
35510 Cesson-Sévigné
Phone : 0825 59 59 35
General conditions of use
Bretagne Développement Innovation (BDI) has opened this site for the personal information of its users. No commercial use, even partial, of the data presented on this site may be made without the prior written agreement of BDI. This page details the legal conditions applying to each visitor to this site. The fact of consulting it implies the acceptance and application of the specifications of this document unconditionally.
Liability-exclusion of warranty
a) BDI has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information provided on its site. Despite the care taken in the selection of the information placed on this site, it is possible that it contains errors, inaccuracies or omissions. BDI cannot be held contractually liable for any one-off and unexpected errors that may occur on the site. Furthermore, the information provided on this site may be modified and updated without prior notice.
b) BDI cannot be held responsible for any material or immaterial damage, direct or indirect, whatever the cause (including those which may be caused by the possible diffusion of viruses or by computer fraud) or consequences resulting from the consultation of this site, its use, the information and the use of the information it contains or the impossibility of having access to it, with the exception of direct damage resulting from a gross or intentional fault on the part of BDI.
c) Furthermore, BDI cannot be held responsible for the content of hypertext links placed on this site in order to complete the information; nor can it be held responsible for the content of external sites that designate the site by a hypertext link, as BDI cannot exercise any control over these totally independent sites. Any user of the site and of the hypertext links must protect himself from viruses that could be inoculated when visiting this site or sites accessible from this site by hypertext links. BDI does not guarantee that the server hosting the site is free of viruses or that a technical problem may occur that could damage the components of the user’s computer or data that may be stored there. In any case, BDI or one of its subcontractors cannot be held responsible for any damage that may occur when connecting to the site.
a) The entirety of this site, the presentation and each of the elements, including logos, graphics, photographs, plans, videos, sounds, etc., appearing on the site are protected by French and international legislation in force relating to intellectual property, and are the exclusive property of BDI.
b) No licence, nor any other right than that of consulting the « site » is granted to anyone with regard to intellectual property rights. Reproduction of the documents on the site is authorised solely for the purposes of information for personal and private use; any reproduction or use of copies made for other purposes is expressly prohibited.
c) Use of documents: all information, images, videos, advertising campaigns, etc. are protected as indicated above. These productions are subject to third party rights (i.e. photographers, models, illustrators, directors, etc.) which are the subject of rights assignments that have been negotiated by mutual agreement. In this respect, all reproduction, representation and public communication rights, including downloadable documents representing achievements (posters, press, films, etc.) are reserved within this specific framework.
No commercial exploitation is authorised and the clauses of this paragraph a) b) c) are applicable. Failure to comply with these clauses and their prohibitions constitutes an infringement that may incur the civil or criminal liability of the infringer.
Personal data
Each visitor to the site who provides personal information to BDI grants BDI full transferable rights to that information and authorizes BDI to use it. The information thus provided by visitors under their responsibility will be considered as non-confidential, and must be accurate, lawful and not harmful to the interests of third parties. BDI undertakes not to communicate the information collected to third parties for commercial use.